Name: Federica Eleonora Maria Maddalena Luigi Galleani,….for the sake of brevity Ely
Weight: 72 kilos, but I must lose at least four kilos
Height: metre 1,72… with high-heeled shoes, when I give myself airs, metre 1,78
Languages: french and english spoken, spanish and arabic patched up… and gesticulated
Status: divorced, single, without a family anymore, except some distant cousins, curious
Clothing: comfortable… elegant…. over dress.. see-through dresses…I like changing
Colours: all…but white is my favourite one
Sport: Ski, canoe, sailing, swimming…idling in the bed, sauna, bathing in a Jacuzzi in the open
Favourite games: Bridge,Backgammon (Taula), Scopa, Canasta, SevenEleven, ScalaQuaranta, Gin rummy, Blind man’s buff, Hide-and-seek.
Favourite places: cruise on Nile, unpolluted Sardinian sea, desert shores, nature, small villages, voyages by boat when from the sea you can’t sea the land anymore, cultural tours in search of the ancient wisdom, desert
Ideal temperature: from 28 degrees upwards…if possibile dry
Favourite music: Accordo 432HZ, Michele, Carosone, The Beatles, Battisti, Equipe 84, Caselli, Celentano, Mina, Elvis Presley, I am just a Gigolò, Bob Dylan, Joan Baez, Doors, Pink Floyd, Tenco, Dalla, Abc, Sparks, Johnny Cash, Santana, Genesis, Myke Oldfield, Cat Stevens, Supertramp, Gloria Gaynor, Queen, Carmina Burana, Latin American, Bachada, Peruvian, New Age, Buddha Bar, Cafè do Mar, Tiromancino, Tribal House, Bluevertigo, Dido, Jamiroquai, Neil Diamond, Lionel Richie, Shivaree, Gaber, Gery Hallywell, Subsonica, Articolo 31, Timoria, Lunapop, Tribalistas, CapaRezza

My ABC: Babar, La Fontaine, The Grimm Brothers, The Old Testament, Salgari, Mickey Mouse, Alice in Wonderland, The Magic of Oz, Bel Ami by G.Maupassant, The Picture of Doryan Grey by O.Wilde,Peyton Place, by G.Metalius Nanà by Zolà, I Ching, Diabolik, One hundred years of solitude by G.G.Marquez, The little Prince by A. de S.Exuperry, the comic strips by Manara, Separate Reality by C.Castaneda, The Lord of the Rings by Tolkien, The Master and Margarita, The Heart of a Dog (Sobach’e Serdtse) by M.Bulgakov, Cancer Ward by Solzenicyn The adventurers by H.Robbins, Travels With My Aunt by G.Greene, Franny and Zoey by Salinger, On the Farm, Rabbit Run by J.Updike, The First Forty-nine Stories by Hemingway, Tender is the Night by Fitzgerald, How to Save Your Own Life by E. Jong, Siddharta by H.Hesse, On the use and abuse of History for Life by Nietzsche, On the Road by J.Kerouak, The Tower by H. von Hofmanstall, Parzival by Eschenbach, Le Città Invisibili by Calvino, The King of the World by Guénon, Il Gattopardo by Tommasi di Lampedusa, I Viceré by De Roberto, Mastro Don Gesualdo by Verga, Gods, Graves and Scholars by Ceram, Il nome della Rosa by Eco, Casanova’s return to Venice by A.Schnitzler, A Ciascuno il Suo , Il Consiglio d’Egitto by Sciascia, Harold and Maude by Higgins, The Alchemist by P.Coelho. The Celestine Prophecy, The Tenth Insight by Redfield, The Eternal Temple, Magic and Mistery in Ancient Egypt, Nefer the Silent, The Wise Woman, Paneb the Ardent, The Place of Truth by C.Jacq, Avalon’s fogs by M.Z.Bradley Anima an Anatomy of a Personified Notion by Hillman, Akenaton by Mahfuz, The Lost Tomb by Weeks Kent R., The Lost Army of Cambyses by P. Sussman, La Curva de Latte, Il salto dell’Acciuga by Ongaro, Terra , Baol, La Compagnia dei Celestini , Comici Spaventati Guerrieri by Benni, Un solitario per Desireé by Freghetti, Girl with a pearl earring by Chevalier. Chocolat by J. Harris
Desires: Peace,…..knowing the rest of the world, crossing the ocean, having always a lot of friends, visiting New Zealand, having an egyptian short-haired greyhound, visiting Marquesas Islands, Madagascar, Australia, India and Nepal, the towns of Ninive and Ur in Iraq, travelling… travelling….travelling, buying a norwegian sweater, visiting the fiords, taking sauna in the snow, knowing more and more all the thoughts of the world, knowing, knowing, knowing to improve one’s own path, to live learning without growing, always laughing….to buy a tin of caviar and eat it with a teaspoon… coming back to Egypt as soon as possible to study the
hieroglyphs of the XVIII Dynasty..
Ideals: Peace…..not identify myself with anything, not belong to any group or sect to be free of being myself, to be able to play… to get excited and be interested till the end.
Favorite Painters: Giotto, Bosh, Brueghel, Piero della Francesca, Caravaggio, Arcimboldo, Donatello, Goya, Veermer, Rembrandt, Velasquez, Turner, Canaletto, Renoir, Manet, Monet, Doganier Rousseau, Cocteau, Dalì, Magritte, Matta, Schifano, Alighiero e Boetti, Max Ernst, De Chirico, Kandinsky, Botero.
Food: I love eating everything …except the egyptian moloheia….drinking dry white wines as Capichera and Sauterne, Champagne, red wines as Chianti, Barolo, Chateau Neuf du Pape, otherwise I prefer drinking mineral water with my meals….yes, fizzy…let’s exceed.
My favorite dishes are: in Sicily: pasta sardines and wild fennel, pasta with aubergines tomatoes and ricotta, sardines and marzipan; in Campania: shellfish, cockles, buffalo’s mozzarella, udder rolls, fried soup, prickly lettuce; in Rome: Rice croquettes filled with mozzarella cheese, matriciana ,carbonara, rigatoni with pajata, spring lamb served hot from the grill, fried brain; in Florence: soppressata, stir-fried beans, grilled sirloin steak, cake of almond pastry; in Milan: risotto milanese style, sirloin steak milanese style, Ossobuco (braised veal shank slice) in Liguria: mountain ham, borage ravioli, pesto, mixed fried fish, stuffed anchovies in Sardinia: mussels, scallops, little spiny-lobster, spider-crab, lobsters , little tunnies ….everything only just caught; among the sweets my favourite is undoubtedly hot zabaglione….sorbet ice or mandarin ice cream, raspberries soufflé, marzipan. But ….I hate as much putting on weight…as I hate giving up good things…
…Well, this is my picture…now let me know how you are… sending in the Blog your remarks and your images….See you later….