Ely Galleani


International and Eco-sustainable Fashion in the Principality of Monaco?? Gareth and Roisin Wittstock with Federica Nardoni Spinetta and Marco Bizzarri pdg Gucci Copyright @MCFW.  

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Ely Galleani


?? Monte-Carlo Film Festival of Comedy. Keeping the Arts Alive ! Under The High Patronage of H.S.H. Prince Albert II of Monaco Doesn’t the phrase

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Ely Galleani

1976 Afghanistan

  “Do you need a toilet?” “There’s the very good toilet…..” So much for the very good toilet! It’s a black hole in the ground

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Ely Galleani

Tales of the Train

There are places which have the power to free  conscience, magical locations where soul can open itself to the world, where people feel  finally free

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Ely Galleani


If you have hidden, even in distant times,  awkward skeletons in the cupboards is not easy to  follow the phases  of your growth. Facing your

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Ely Galleani

Carpe Diem

Sitting on that dry-stone wall, he was observing his legs dangling over the ground. The sun was warming his back and his body’s warmth was

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Ely Galleani

The Go-between

In italian language ‘tramite’ is  synonym of path,  a passage that people shall cover to join two separate realities. Translated in english language it  is

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Ely Galleani

The Labyrinth

This is a bitter story, one of those events that sign a life or that could have had very sad consequences  if I hadn’t managed 

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Ely Galleani

Baba Yaga

There are events and circumstances in those years, the 70s, not yet fully considered that have nevertheless had a great influence in my life’s path.They

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