We met at sunset in Jessica Sbaraglia’s kitchen garden in Monaco, a marvel in bloom at this time of year. We are four women, constantly reflecting, who love life, joy and the strength it provides when troubled…joy is indeed the ultimate remedy!
Jessica Sbaraglia (Terrae ), Evelyne Tonelli Schick (Ecopolis), Elisa Alberto (Ecoslowasting) and myself…at your service!!!
Responsible nutrition contributes to a sense of joy and here we are gathered to chat and share our thoughts…and hopefully to put this message across!
New ground to discover together in this article…we will also discuss the art of living, or better still the art of living well.
Each of us has advice to share with you for daily well-being.
Personally, I believe that we all have a real need to go back to the good habits of our grandparents… because it is above all in nutrition that we find life, energy and the necessary physical well-being to face our era which has forgotten so much.
First we should recall the research carried out by the medical doctor and biochemist Otto Heinrich Warburg, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physiology in 1931, who discovered the cause of cancer in 1925. This research shows that cancer develops in acidic tissues deprived of oxygen. . Diseases cannot survive in an alkaline body. A cell deprived of 35% of its oxygen for 48 hours can become cancerous.
We breathe in the chemicals from Chemtrail, they fall on our crops. And food is then sprayed, and it’s all called healthy!
The system has been poisoning humanity for centuries: fluorides in the air, water pollution, processed food and all the chemical products that we put on our skin.
The system brings more toxic diseases and drugs that make us sicker.
More than 95% of the world’s population has health problems and 50% of the world’s population is chronically ill.
The best remedy: Eat healthy, Play sports, Live joyfully, Do not allow fear to take hold in our daily lives!
Here are the little tricks that I practise every day: I start the morning by eating oats (oatmeal, porridge) mixed with milk or yaourt and honey, a boiled egg, a citrus juice, a fruit salad with aloe vera jelly and colloidal silver, the best natural remedy known for centuries. Do not forget a vitamin C 1000 every morning and, of course, vitamin E and D !

(Sardinia Caprera 2023)
I am naturally attracted to naturopathy, an unconventional care practice used to rebalance the functioning of the body by natural means.
Through whatsapp Costantino Mazzanobile d’Arragona, Italian naturopath (Public Health Longevity Harvard Medical School USA department) confirmed to us:
“We can now scientifically affirm that the marvellous aloe vera plant is effective against many pathologies.
In addition to washing the blood with the miraculous juice of aloe vera, many pathologies, even very serious ones, are officially treated. There are many benefits associated with aloe vera, a plant used since antiquity capable of healing the deepest wounds without leaving any scars.”
(read L’Aloe e Propoli edit by Falco Edizioni Oblate Library Florence)
Bonds amongst those who prefer natural remedies to invasive treatments are increasingly strong:
Paola Caddeo, owner of the site www.universodelbenessere.it sends colloidal gold to Italian hospitals but also to the Principality of Monaco. Can you tell us more?
“Exactly, although in Monaco not yet in official form. Colloidal gold 20ppm is a class 2 medical device, i.e. already tested and used on humans, and is officially supplied by us to hospitals and residences that use it with ever better results. Colloidal gold consists of tiny particles of gold (ions) suspended in an aqueous solution and carrying an electrical charge. It has very important analgesic, anti-inflammatory and regenerating properties in addition to being an excellent activator of the pineal gland”
Fortunately there is also the concept of eating well which is espoused more and more today around the world.
Eating well means first of all cultivating well, preparing well, but also consuming well.
Today we are becoming increasingly aware that eating well is not only good for the planet, it’s good for oneself, it’s an ecological act… it’s a humanitarian act.
We pay heed to the seasonality of the products, we continue to defend these values by being aware of the overconsumption of meat, and excessive fishing.
We go back to old values: eat better, eat healthy, varied.
We are omnivores: that means we eat everything, not just meat or potatoes, but we have to get into the habit of varying our diet…so spend time cooking…have fun!
Cooking is a great time to share with family and even when you’re alone… it can be a source of enjoyment.

In this article Elisa Alberto, founder of Ecoslowasting, a zero-waste platform, reveals the importance of zero-waste cooking…
Is it really possible?
“Of course it’s possible! In addition to reducing our ecological footprint, cooking zero waste allows us to avoid food waste and save money, but also have a lot of fun!
Nothing goes to waste on fruits and vegetables. Peelings, pods, bark, seeds, tops, roots, stems, trunks, leaves, cores, leftover pulp are (wrongly!) considered lost as waste… when they are excellent for health, they are in fact a manna of vitamins, but also flavours. We know the “super foods” that most often come from the other side of the world, renowned for their anti-oxidants, but keep in mind that our humble peels contain the vitamins, minerals and trace elements crucial for health. It is a pity to deprive oneself of that !
So let’s invite easy, creative and zero waste cooking into our daily lives for our own good and that of the Planet.
If you want to get into the process or be further supported in order to reduce waste in your kitchen, we suggest you discover our program for individuals Zero waste recipes are shared between the Ecoslowasting platform and my social networks. You can also buy, at greatly reduced prices, unsold food products that would probably be thrown away”.

It is of course common sense that pushed you into creating this platform to fight against waste, but can you explain how you managed to bring together shops, restaurants and producers ?
“It was a strong awareness of the state of the Planet and the ecosystem that pushed me to create a specific platform for anti-waste and to embark on zero waste.
Ecoslowasting has two goals:
-The local anti-waste platform that connects professionals (hotels, restaurants, caterers, snacks, greengrocers, bakeries, supermarkets, florists, etc.) who wish to engage in this eco-responsible approach linked to zero waste (by having regard for items unsold on the day, products close to their expiry date, left-over stock or even end of series) with consumers, aware of the challenges of the planet, and who wish to save money on their shopping without loss of quality since these are products that are still entirely consumable and usable.
-Zero-waste coaching for professionals and individuals via workshops, events, awareness-raising, consulting and personalised support. »
Thank you Elisa …together we can say: The Mission is therefore to Reduce waste, Preserve the environment, Take care of people, Save money for all!
Did you know for example that carrot, turnip, and courgette peelings can be fried, or put with a drizzle of oil into an oven for 30 minutes, or sautéed in a frying pan ?

But also imagining an urban agriculture and it is Jessica Sbaraglia, founder and executive of Terre de Monaco, www.terrae.green, who will reveal the secrets in successfully designing and maintaining a vegetable garden on our balcony or terrace:
“Some very simple advice summed up. You need at least 5 hours of sun a day for market gardening. It is also better to have a nearby tap for automatic watering. Your bins should be at least 50cm deep in the ground. Good organic soil especially for vegetables. Then it’s up to you to plant! »
Starred restaurants prefer to use fresh products sourced at the door-step, fascinated by this concept you met, among others, Marcel Ravin, chef etoilé of the Blue Bay in Monaco, with whom you share a common passion for good food products.
Can you tell us what a gourmet vegetable garden looks like (the Creole garden of our ancestors) and why it would be so important to know how to live by being a little more self-sufficient?
“A chef’s vegetable garden is the extension of his kitchen into the earth. It is also a great source of inspiration with exceptional products that could not be imported.
A vegetable garden for a starred Chef has become essential.

You cannot match the quality of fresh vegetables, matured at term and eaten within the hour!
Being self-sufficient with a vegetable garden has other sides to it. It is important to be less dependent on large industries and thus gain a little freedom. Knowing that in addition it is an ecological gesture and that it can also save you money”.
We increasingly want to share this concept, especially with children, for a healthy future. Jessica can you tell us about the actions you have already undertaken with schools thanks to the support of the Prince Albert II Foundation (FPA2) and the Sancta Devota Foundation of Monaco?

“I have 9 schools with a vegetable garden. This educates about 2,000 children per year. We garden all year round with them and also give classroom lessons on urban agriculture. This includes seasonal vegetables, herbs, insects and plant and seed recognition!”

If this approach was possible in this small country of 2 square kilometres, luxurious and fairly concrete … we ought to be able to do it everywhere, right?
” Yes ! My ecosystem is already being exported to other cities.
The next Terrae farm will open in 2024 near Brussels and will be very large, with 10,000 m2 of roofing. In Nice in 2025 with 3,000 m of roofing!”
Copyright Terrae
So we are already beginning to glimpse a better future. President of Ecopolis, Evelyne Tonelli Schick…can you tell us how the new city concept should adapt to eco-responsible nutrition?
“Ecopolis tries to reduce waste of all kinds in the Principality, whether in the form of energy, water or food. This is why we held a workshop recently on ways of combatting food waste, at the Monaco Media Library.

We believe that the new city concept should reduce this wastefulness and the waste it in turn entails, for example by setting up composting areas for residents by district.
We also insist upon the importance of greening the city and replacing certain traffic lanes with wooded areas. We have not yet studied the possibility of planting edible species in Monaco.
Finally, eco-responsible nutrition should above all be organic, local (or perhaps we should say nearby given that the limited size of the Principality does not allow for large-scale cultivation on site) and seasonal.”
The Principality of Monaco makes known each year through the media the possibility of getting free of charge oranges from the trees planted in the city, and in Menton during the Fête du Citron lemons not used can be purchased at cost.
“We welcome this opportunity given to the people of Monaco to benefit from these oranges. It’s a very good initiative. Gardeners from the Parc Princesse Antoinette harvest the olives growing there and the resulting olive oil is distributed to various of the inhabitants. Orange and olive trees are emblematic of the Mediterranean climate. There is also the carob tree, though I’m not sure to what extent people would be tempted by carob flour. We also have feijoas growing in parks and public gardens, and pomegranate trees. I’m not sure whether other tree species might be adapted to growing in an urban environment, but we have yet to look into this”.

It is useful to remember that in Italy all the Municipalities in Sardinia organise, at different times of the year, events to share local products for free.
To better understand this rite we have made a video of an interview with the Mayor of Sant Teodoro, here the link :
Dear Lady please share with us, in a few words, your suggestions for a more eco-responsible city:
“A more eco-responsible city as Monaco would leave less room for the car and would promote “soft” mobility: public transport or by bicycle, pedestrian travel with footbridges over the sea. It would limit air pollution by reducing the use of the car and the docking of cruise ships. It would put only organic on the menu of canteens and collective restaurants. It would promote educational vegetable gardens in all schools. It would reduce light pollution from advertising screens, energy consumption of public and private spaces and would increase the number of drinking water’s fountains as well as their visibility.”
Finally Renate Solari, thanks to whom we have come together, launches an appeal:
“Some political leaders say protecting nature will jeopardize food production. That’s absurd, and they know it. Absurd arguments that nature conservation and food production cannot go hand in hand, enough of that” !
Without nature, there is no food. Sign our statement:
Have no fear….act now not in a spirit of guilt but in a constructive way”
Think about the future because…when I eat healthy I try to make the world of tomorrow better

Copyright Ely Galleani