I like to learn from every single second of my life, and very often it’s just the case to give me that ispiration that’s mother of all the ideas.
While in contemplation is the silence who wins, the total absence of thinking, the dead calm of our consciousness and continual wishes… As well in that confusion which is the wheel of our life, we can be the audience of terrific learnings ‘rained’ just for coincidence on our attention and that must be acknoledged and shaped on ourselves. For this reason, my senses are always alive and kicking, and this expecially when I’m at a detour… making always that wonderful inner force that is inside us showing me the way… it’s well hidden but ready to scream out loud!
Calarossa’s July Sunset
So, just by chance, I’ve been re-bapthized ‘Futura’ and now it’s three summers that this name lives within me.I was in Sardinia on the coast specular to Corsica, in Calarossa, to spend some holydays in that wild and uncontaminated environment, where the nature reigns , Mother Earth still breathes primitive souls and the fauna menages to survive in the struggle with the man.
Trees bent by the wind
Urchins, starfishes, limpets, octopussies and tomatofishes in the trasparent water till the shore, grass snakes and hawks on the ground… all packed with tons of ants and bees… Just impossible eating outdoor in a July sunset a swordfish “carpaccio” (thinny sliced) or some raw shrimps fished at Isola Rossa without being assaulted by an aereal squadron of stings… the only alternative is to prepare a little plate even for them… placing it at some meters and let them be the masters of part of that honey!
Not speaking of the ravenous friends of Dalì: One photo shows one of ’em bringing a huge piece of bread Carassau (carta musica)… happy little ant!
During a” maestrale” ( north-west wind) storm
A paradise to re-live each year with naked feet and sure of the fact that our world is occupied (read: populated) fort the 10% by the man while the rest belongs to the nature and its innumerable species. We are just guests of that moltitude even if often we behave improperly as the masters and expect our sun spot on the other races.
To stop the slaughter of the defenceless young seals go to:
Leaving the coast by the canoe
In the end of the summer holiday when we were remained almost alone partecipating those wonders, in a sunny morning, Lucia and I had come to one of the many little coves to discover, hidden in a rock ashore, a huge red starfish placed side by side to a more urticant blue jellyfish. At the arriving of a twin-hulled pleasure boat loaded of Parthenopeans engaged in opening urchins to pack souvenirs to give to their sons, i told to my new friend to be silent on our new discovery. While we took shots of that wonder of nature… i mean the starfish, not the Neapolitan friend… this one came close to us asking what was so special to gain everlasting fame… Suddenly we replied in one single voice ‘the jellyfish’…
… Lifted again on the twin-hulled pleasure boat … disappointed, not without spreading all the sand around with the black stings of the urchins-souvenirs…. For that day the starfish with the five tips was saved, not located, couldn’t be given to that sad fate: trophy of a day!.. Trophy till its normal putrefaction, at least…. soon the thick smell of the sea would make it assimilate with all the trash being thrown away… compltely lifeless at this point. Sometimes the simplicity with the human beings take the lifes of the other creatures just for superficiality and not for any real need makes me afraid…
Searching little coves
This summer taking in canoe a young friend I showed her the sea tomatos anchored on the most hidden cliffs… she asked me: ‘Have you ever opened one of that?’, I answered: ‘Why? You can’t eat it’ and she: ‘Just to take a look on how it is made inside!’… I turned and staring at her with cerulean eyes i said “I wonder how YOU are made inside!”… What a disappointment in finding out a girl that had no respect for the other lifeforms… indeed, she didn’t consider them neither as beings…but just a daytime distraction!
The nature is the winner
Besides, another thing was to approach with Graziella to the rocks full of urchins and Neapolitan friends, two paddles starboard and we were at the ‘pub of urchin’, a limpet as a spoon…. urchins eggs at one’s pleasure were served, a midday break with the taste of the sea. What a shame not having some bread and Capichera wine in the canoe!
The return to a natural and uncontaminated place, sorrounded by a landscape disseminated with granitic rocks has always coincided to me with entering in an ideal world where can live for ever… a present and future world where in the lounge of the holidays everyone forgets the social role to become oneself, without the badges of life, in the mood for share the time with the others.
After the storm
It is said that when travelling, we are more open to the acquaintances realizing of being more esposed and we maintain good relations with the others, till then unknown, just to assure ourself alliates in case of need… for this reason we instictively socialize more and open easily to the others, managing ideal alliances!
Sardegna, Mother Heart of ancient matriarchal stamp, has managed to protect the integrity of its territory: rocks are masters everywhere, the almost inaccessible unsurfaced roads still bring you in paradises without time, unalterated expressions of the beauty of our planet, where the nature continues to reign undisputed protagonist teaching us the ineluctability of our destiny and that only our civilized behaviour can leave a trace on the sand of life… learning to leave it unabridged, unaltered in its values, finally respected!
How many dawns pasted looking to the light spreading and coloring in pink everything it meets… I can extend the enjoyment of my senses with this vew , happy of a just pasted love night then to feel the lips of my lover kissing my back… returning sweetly to smile while making dark in the room and abandoning myself to other dreams.
“Futura”… is something to come but is already… albeit in embryo: it’s for this reason that I’m so affectionate to this name that the fate wanted to give as a present to me three years ago on the stage of Calarossa’s amphitheatre… bapthizing me for a second time.
Calarossa’s Amphitheatre
Since that moment I’ve been to all the guests of the village “Future” but also “Fortune” and then “Free”,…”LOT”,…”Serene”…”Lucky”… depending on the memory of singles… I turned to them whatever they called me, happy to belong to one of those wonderful names… sharing a new change!
After all if they addressed to me like that it was just because their unconscious saw me in this way and I was free to be like that… all the more reason!
The evening of my seond baptism i wore a golden dress tailored with a crumpled material that modelled my body arriving to mantain itself with a lace on the neck, it looked more like a vestal dress than a modern thing… in the wardrobe you hade to put it rolled on itself and it occupied the space of a fist… bought under the Florence central station for just 20 euros… another gift of the case that had taken me to those shop windows to not lose it… it’s really true that we need good eyes an a strong will to carry out the best of our life… also god hears…. to hear the advices… of the fate!
That evening i wore Greek short style sandals, they were golden too, and the whole thing revealed my wish to be admired and shared by all the gazes, men and women, in an ideal transposition in ancient times, in a Golden Age to come… that ‘Was’ and so ‘Will be’.
Dressed gold
Maybe it’s for this reason that the ‘Future’ name perfectely fit with me and Sandrino, hosting the show welcomed with good will that strange character with a such an up-and-coming name, foretelling that since that moment we were gonna have a change of air… leaving space to the dreams… with the greatest benefit the anonymity could give me: preserving and delivering me without a hesitation anymore as well.
The name is a dress which is tied up to a destiny, that evokes in the others an idea that links indissolubly to the person.
Sunset by the swimming pool
The Ancient Egypthian Faraons owned five names, of which one unknown to all, that linked them to “what doesn’t show itself”, the hidden entity…like the only acknowledged child of which no one could have swaggered.
We, common mortals, can only hope to recognize ourselves in our name and the possibility to change it gives us new life. Often we grow fond of them who love to call us with a nickname, maybe just because it delivers us from our roles opening doors to new eventualities,to a mutation.
Horus holds the changings of life that the sun gives
“The sun (the light) infuses methamorphosys (changings) of life that the supreme knowledge must hold”. This sacred text is displayed in hieroglyphics on all the wall round the edge of the Eternity’s House of Hatshepsut, the Faraon Queen daughter of Thotmoses the 1st(moses=born from Thot) lived in 1450 B.C. circa and author of an era brighten by the knowledge, the apprehension and the changing.
After all what is our life if not a series of mutations, of skin changes in time and space: we change in age, in shape, in knowledge… and we evolve mantaining what we have learnt… oblivious as we are since the birth.
There are incredible similarities between the Egypthian and Sardinian lands… the magnetism of the Sardinian rocks is specular to that of the rocks in the ‘uadi’ of the desert, granite rocks in both the sites hold the sun heat for a long time, for this, the ancients used them to preserve during the night a steady body temperature to the statues representing the residence of ‘ka’, the spirit of our great ancestors.
On the city walls of the temple of Ramoses the 2nd (Ramses II) in Karnak, in the city of Luxor, the ancient Tebe, it is said of a race of navigators, the Sherdas, that around the 1200 B.C. had contributed to the links in the Mediterranean Sea. The hieroglyphics for ever craved in the stone recall how old is the Sardinian spawn and knowledge in the world ad shows places like the Santa Cristina Sanctuary as the legacy of such gnosis tradings between Ancient People
Nuragic site of Santa Cristina
During the summer solstice of 2007 the moon will reach the holy well in the nuragic complex of Paulilatino (province of Oristano) and according to old calculations it will reflect in the little spring, a little circular vasin just 50 cm deep. To the audience that will be there in the chamber of meetings, after having descended the steps of the triangular gorge which represents The Mother Goddess, it will not rest nothing but attend, mute witnesses of the calculation of the oblivious times, to the reflection of the image of our satellite in that spring of life, representation of the vivifying male part, share of a ‘lingam’ and spring of every beginning.
The Moon, Selene, the female part that magnetizes the water of the male spring in order of infusing new life to Mother Earth and making the cycle continue.
Future… How many things there are in our future that after all is nothing more than our present that moment after moment unrolls to our passage, how many opportunities to catch moments, changings , new visuals and interpretations of a common life… being in the end free and conscious one another, aware of our huge potential!
If I manage to hold all the names that have been given me, it’s gonna be a wonderful time for ever, a present to my life full as it’s gonna be of “Fortune”, “Lot”, “Serene” and “Free” a part from “Future”….and than I will be able to call me ‘Happy’!
“ Transgressive ” party with Dani and Paolo